Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Kids' Birthdays over the past year


Karmen's 2nd Birthday (Oct.)

 Dimitri's 5th Birthday (Jan.)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just Finished This One

Cotillion Cotillion by Georgette Heyer

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this book on my Kindle because Amazon offered it to free. I enjoyed reading this book. I thought it was funny. Also, it was nice to watch Kitty and Freddy's character grow.

View all my reviews

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Best Buddies

We have a very large "L" shaped couch.  It's like two long sofas put together.  The point I am trying to make it that there are lots of places available to sit. The other day Dimitri and Katina were watching Finding Nemo and they chose to sit leaning right next to each other.  It was precious!  I hope they always stay Best Buddies!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Homemade Bunny

For a friend's baby shower I made her baby girl a little stuffed bunny.  This was my first attempt at sewing a stuffed animal.  It turns out that it wasn't as easy as the directions made it seem.  Well,  next time I will know what to watch out for.

Bunny with one ear in front

Bunny with both ears behind

Bunny kneeling.  This is to show off its little tail.

Dimitri Turns 4


We got a cupcake for each of the kids instead of a huge cake.  This way Byron and I were not tempted to finish off the huge cake.

Dimitri's Birthday Present.   A combination gift from Abue and us.  I wrapped his present in the Wall Street Journal and taped a balloon from the top.

Cars on Blu-ray!

Katina and I decorated the apartment.

Happy Birthday!

Last Week's Holey Jeans==> This Week's Skirt

Last Monday the pants Dimitri wore to preschool had two huge holes in the knees.  I had been meaning to patch them but I realized that they were too short any way so there was no point to fix them.  I found a website online that taught me how to make his jeans in to a skirt for Katina.  Ta-Da! 
