Sunday, September 19, 2010

Summer Trip to TX

Back in May it was still rather cold in Provo and we were feeling home sick so we packed up and headed to Texas.  We stayed at my mom’s house while we were in Austin.  Thanks Mom!  It was nice and warm.  People thought it was weird that we left Utah right when it was suppose to get pretty.  And then it snowed in Provo the week after we left so I think it was a good choice.  We did catch the second half of summer in Provo and thought it was great!

In Texas we went to Corpus Christi, the San Antonio Zoo, Giagia’s, Granger Lake, Billy Bob’s, San Antonio Temple, Salt Lick, Zilker Park, and H-E-B!  Also this summer Dimitri and Katina overcame their fear of dogs.  Katina’s favorite dog was Max a large Rhodesian ridgeback.  It was funny to see because Max is much bigger than Katina.  We were also able to visit Byron’s family and it was nice to see the cousins play together. 

Dimitri, Katina, and Karmen were wonderful in the car during the road trip to and from Austin. 

Byron managed to injure himself for half of the trip.  First he badly sprained his ankle and couldn't walk on it for over a week and then he came in contact with a large amount of poison ivy.  Byron has told me that he is highly allergic to poison ivy and now I understand what that means.  Calling what he had a rash would not do it justice.  He had large blisters up and down both arms to where he couldn’t bend his arms.  It was rough.  He still has faint scars on his arms.  Poor guy!  Even with medicine from the doctor it took 2 weeks for his arms to start to look slightly normal.  I got poison ivy too.  A centimeter wide tiny rash. =P  

Katina turned 2 in June!  We had three small celebrations for her. My brothers' work schedules didn’t match up so we celebrated with each of them separately the day before her birthday.  On Katina’s birthday Byron and I took her out to breakfast.  She received a lot of fun dress up clothes for her birthday.  Katina loved her presents.  She’s so girlie!

On this trip Karmen also started to crawl and pull herself up all on the same day.  While visiting Byron’s sister, Karmen, baby Karmen started doing all these amazing things.  That very same day Baby Karmen bit me!  Which was how I found out that she had teeth coming in.  It was a really fun day!

A couple days before we left we got to see Giagia again and Aunt Kathy.  It was neat because Aunt Kathy was visiting from New York. 

Well, I think that should update my blog about our trip to TX.  It took a really long time to get around to this post.  Here are some photos to go with the story. Enjoy!

Wymount Opening Social

I took the kids to the Wymount Carnival while Byron had to study.  It was a BLAST!!!  Everything but the root beer was free!

The kids bounced on one of those inflatable bouncing things, rode the tractor train with a fabulous neighbor, ate snow cones, decorated sugar cookies, drank root beer floats, played games, picked out prizes, danced, and waited in a long line for balloon animals.

We waited in the balloon line for over an hour and the kids did great!  Dimitri wanted a sword and Katina wanted a butterfly.  The butterfly took a while for the guy to make, by the time he finished Dimitri had popped his sword.  So I made Dimitri a twisty hat and took pictures in case they popped really soon.

Balloons are evil.  They pop or float away!  The kids were given helium balloons while they were waiting in line.  Dimitri’s flew away and Katina’s popped.  Their little faces were so sad! How could I not wait in line for the balloon animals and then make a replacement balloon creation?

If you click on the pictures you should be able to see more pictures.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Katina’s Easter Dress

I did finish Katina’s dress in time for Easter but since Easter and General Conference were on the same day Katina did not wear her dress on Easter.  She wore it to my cousin’s wedding the following weekend.  I forgot to take pictures at the wedding.  =(

Much Better

I can see my background now on Live Writer.  I removed the free background I found online and then added one of the templates from Blogger.  It works great!  All I have to do now is to start posting new stuff. =D

Monday, September 6, 2010

Windows Live Writer

I am trying to see if using Windows live writer will make blogging easier. The problem so far is that I can't see my blog's background. And my text is in white on white on the preview stuff so I can't see what I type unless I go to the source. So I am trying to work around it.