Friday, February 5, 2010

Anita vs Katina's Hair

I gave Katina bangs because her hair was uncooperative. It would always fall in her face unless it was in a rubber band. As soon as I would take the rubber band out, her hair would flop back into her face. So I gave her bangs so she could see better. I could never get a part to stay with hairspray or gel. Her hair must of had magical powers because it would just return to its original state which was right in front of her face.

Since this picture was taken I have fixed it a bit more. I think it works for her.

1 comment:

  1. YES! join the kid-bangs group!! I am SO for giving little girls bangs cause you are SO right, their hair is so hard to keep out of their eyes. good for you for making the change for her! I'm sure she's seeing the world for the first time thru NEW eyes!
